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How to Identify if You Have a Steelcase Think Chair Version 1 or Version 2

How to Identify if You Have a Steelcase Think Chair Version 1 or Version 2

Ryan Snyder |


Hello, Dave here from Crandall Office! Today, we’re bringing you a quick guide on how to determine whether you have a Version 1 or Version 2 Steelcase Think Chair. Identifying the version of your Think Chair can be crucial for understanding its features and ensuring you get the right parts or services. So, without further ado, let’s get started!

Key Differences Between Steelcase Think Chair Version 1 and Version 2

1. Back Support Bars

One of the most prominent differences between the two versions is the material used for the back support bars. If you have a Version 1 Think Chair, you’ll notice metal bars at the back. These bars provide structural support and are a dead giveaway that you’re dealing with the original model.

On the other hand, Version 2 features plastic support bars. While the overall back shape remains similar, the switch to plastic bars is a key indicator that you have the newer model.

2. Seat Pad Design

The seat pad design also varies significantly between the two versions. In Version 1, the seat pad is removable and sits on top of the chair’s frame. This removable design is a signature feature of the older model.

In contrast, Version 2 integrates the seat pad into the frame itself, creating a more streamlined look. The pad is built into the chair, offering a different seating experience.

Similarities Between Version 1 and Version 2

Despite the differences mentioned above, both versions share several similarities. The armrests, base, and even the mechanism underneath the chair are quite similar in both models. These similarities can sometimes make it tricky to distinguish between the two, but focusing on the back support bars and seat pad design should help you make a quick identification.


We hope this guide has helped you identify whether you have a Version 1 or Version 2 Steelcase Think Chair. If you have any further questions or need assistance with your chair, feel free to reach out to us at Crandall Office via our website, Facebook page, or any other platform. We’re always here to help!

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